Bootcamp: The First Fortnight.

3 min readFeb 1, 2020

Starting Bootcamp

Starting Bootcamp on the 20th of January was really exciting. Even though I had a terrible cold, I had a great time the first few days getting to grips with basic JavaScript concepts. I made a short video diary on the first day. It’s amazing looking back now how much more I understand the language after just two weeks! Before I started I was dubious about whether we could learn to code in 4 months, it just didn’t seem possible. Reflecting on it now, the pace at which we progress really is amazing.

What I’ve made

We’ve made some pretty cool stuff already. We finished yesterday afternoon by making a project that linked to an API. It was only afterwards that I realised the API was in fact Image of the Day, so we’d have to wait 24 hours for it to refresh..

Our space themed API fetcher

Still we were pretty happy with the final result and we had fun using CSS and animations to create the mini site.To practice fetching API’s I created a site that generates Kanye West quotes too. Yes, it’s as entertaining as it sounds. See it on Twitter.

I also managed to make a very basic tip calculator using a function and if/else statement.

It should be ‘<= 50’ not just ‘< 50’ or 50 gets missed. Many thanks to Richard McHale, Senior Software Developer at the Ministry of Justice, for pointing that one out.


Another of the major highlights is getting to be in Digbeth everyday.

Early morning in Digbeth.

Here’s some pictures of my favourite street art.

All in all I am having a really good time at School of Code. It hasn’t been without its ups and downs of course, including moments of extreme doubt and insecurity. However, I am really glad I made the decision to leap into the Tech world and am so grateful for this opportunity.

Sorry for the short post, I need to get back to coding..

How did you break into Tech? What was your journey like? Get in touch..

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